(407) 429-5314 - Caribbean And Floridian Association, Inc. - A 501(c)(3) Organization - info@cafainc.org

C.A.F.A, Inc.

Serving Central Florida      

C.A.F.A's Executive Board

Dedicated to Serving our Members and Community.

C.A.F.A. Education Commitment

“I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou      

Caribbean Fusion 2025








2025 Fusion Vendors’ Application are now available. Click link below to download.

CAFA Official Vendor’s Application-Fusion 2025


M. L. K. Parade

Members of the Caribbean and Floridian Association participated in the annual Martin Luther King Jr. parade.

Hurricane Dorian Relief Effort Round Table Dicussion

Members of the Caribbean and Floridian Association, including President Lloyd Phillips, Chairman Andy King, former President Casmore Shaw, Congressman Darren Soto, City Commissioner Angela Eady, Senator Victor M. Torres Jr., Representative John Cortes, Mayor Jose Alvarez, Sheriff Russ Gibson and other State and City Representatives participated in a Hurricane Dorian Relief Effort Round Table at the Kissimmee City Hall.

Members of the Caribbean And Floridian Association, Inc. at the opening reception for the June 2017 Caribbean American Heritage Month, at Orlando City Hall.

We wish you will, Chief O’Dell. CAFA’s Treasurer (Nicole Reid) presenting a plant to Kissimmee Police Chief Jeffery O’Dell in support of his continued recovery efforts from his recent illness.

Along with members of the Caribbean and Floridian Association, Presedent Lloyd Phillips accepted the 2022 Proclamation in honor of ‘Caribbean-American Heritage Month,’ presented by the City of Kissimmee Commission. The Proclamation ceremony was held in the Commission Chambers.

Members of the Caribbean and Floridian Association accepting a Proclamation in honor of “Caribbean-American Day.” The event was held at the City of Kissimmee Commission Chambers, on Tuesday April 18th, 2017.

Give Kids The WORLD

Great job to Veronica, Marilyn, Esmie, Joan and Noel

CAFA's donation to Give Kids the World

CAFA Members Deliver Toys For The Kids

Members of the Executive Board of the Caribbean And Floridian Association, Inc. (CAFA) recently presented a check to Chief O’Dell of Kissimmee Police Department in honor of Officer Matthew Baxter and Sergeant Sam Howard memorial fund.

C.A.F.A’s President Arnold (Andy) King presenting a plaque to the Chairman of Kissimmee Utility Authority (Reginald Hardee) and the President & CEO (Jim Welsh) for KUA’s Corporate sponsorship of the recently concluded Caribbean Fusion 2017

CAFA members at Darren Soto’s (U.S. Representative for Florida’s 9th district.) community outreach in Kissimmee, FL.

Mike Randolph, Lloyd Phillips, Noel Cadogan and Gordon Vandoimen meeting with City of Kissimmee Grants Review Committee to set the logistical arrangements for the Caribbean Fusion Festival held on Sunday, April 24, 2016 at the Lakefront Park in Kissimmee.

Mr. Lloyd Phillips, Mr. Mike Randolph and Mr. Noel Cadogan – members of CAFA’s Fusion Planning Committee, meeting with staff members of the City of Kissimmee, Parks and Recreation team. Here they reviewed the recent Caribbean Fusion event held on Sunday, April 24, 2016 and examine plans/options for the 2017 celebration.

President Andy King and Mr. Noel Cadogan addressing the Board of Directors of the Kissimmee Utility Authority (KUA) at their maim office on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. This was in response to an invitation received to bring them up to speed on the success of the Caribbean Fusion event. KUA is one of the major sponsors of the Caribbean Fusion event.


Mr. Andy King

I am proud and I am most honored and humbled to be elected President of the Caribbean And Floridian Association, Inc. for 2023/2024, and with the help and support of my team of newly installed Board members and fellow CAFA members, I will do my best to meet the challenge serving in this role. Our association has been built on a strong leadership foundation, and I am fortunate to have a membership that is fully committed to the mission and continues to go the extra mile in building CAFA and conducting the many worthwhile projects that we undertake for the benefit of our community..


Installation of Officers Ceremony

Congratulations to the newly installed Caribbean and Floridian Association’s Executive Board.

Installation of Officers Ceremony

Caribbean and Floridian Association’s
New Executive Board.

CAFA’s Former President
Mr. Lloyd Phillips

A big thank you to Mr. Phillips on his past four years of excellent service and Leadership in the organization.

What's New & Up-Coming

Our Motto

Each One, Tell On.

General Members Meeting
Meeting Date:
Jan. 25th
, 2025
Click here to see
Meeting L

Time: 5:00 P.M.

CAFA’s Anniversary Breakfast

CAFA Testimonial I am proud, grateful and thankful to be a twenty–five year member of this organization.  C.A.F.A is an Inclusive Organization, that, over the years has inspired its members to become advocates for the Youth, Seniors and other members of the Central Florida Community.  We have and are continuing to live up to our “Mission,” of encouraging kinship between Caribbean and other Communities in Florida.

Joan Durant Bryan

Committee Role:, Public Relations

CAFA Testimonial As a member of CAFA, I am committed to assist spiritually and financially in every way possible to promote a strong sense of community by providing scholarships to youths which will empower them to achieve their educational goals. I also served as CAFA’s Chaplain for sereral years.

Avril Alexander

A Member

CAFA Testimonial I am proud to be a member of this esteemed organization, CAFA, for the past 25 years. Our motto is “Each One Tell One”. I encourage every member to do so.  CAFA will achieve much with a strong membership. My commitment is to help CAFA embrace our youths, help our seniors and be a unifying force in Central Florida.

Veronica Murrell

Committee Role: Historian

CAFA Testimonial As a twenty-five-year member of CAFA, I have seen this organization grow from strength to strength over the years. CAFA has become a beacon in the Caribbean & Floridian communities for many organizations to emulate. CAFA continues to provide scholarships to graduating seniors, provide aid to seniors, medical workshop and cultural awareness in the Central Florida community. Our ultimate goal is to acquire our own building.

Noel Cadogan

Committee Role:, Sergeant of Arms

CAFA Testimonial

Your Name

Committee Role:, Education

CAFA Testimonial: It has been and remains my great honor to serve as the chairperson of the Service Activities Education committee in CAFA  I have been a member for the past twenty one years. I will continue to be a fierce steward, encouraging young people to reach for the stars, because education is key to success. An educated community is a powerful way to keep us evolving.

Cheryl Reid-Payne

Service Activities & Education Committee Chairperson / Chaplain

CAFA Testimonial

Your Name

Committee Role:, Medical

CAFA Testimonial

Your Name

Committee Role:, Finance & Planning

Want To Know More? Contact Us!

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